This blog is dedicated to all of you who have used, and exploited your "signature move".
You have just entered the "Move Coalition Organization" (MCO).
What's a "signature move? I'll explain.
Well we all have a "signature move". You may not realize it, but you do have one. Your friends know about it, and they probably make fun of it, and you, when your not looking.
A signature move is a gesture, or body language you use while talking, telling a story, or just expressing yourself, with or without words.
A raised eyebrow, a shoulder shrug, twirling your hair - these are all signature moves. Some are common, some very rare, some ridiculous, hilarious, even gay.
Everyone has and uses a signature move, a traffic cop puts his hand out to stop you, your parents move the index finger back and forth indicating "NO".
Pirates use the thumb on the neck in a sweeping motion from ear to ear, you know what that means.
The Native Americans, or "Savages", bent their arm at the elbow in an upright position, with a flat hand pointed skyward. This was "How", or hello my pale-faced friend. This was usually followed by the savage being shot dead in his tracks by the white man's "thunder stick".
Costco truck drivers use the middle finger move as the totally understandable - "This is my damn road you fool".
I applaud everyone who uses their "signature move" with pride and class.
We will be posting our "signature moves' as this blog grows, and as we get more followers.
There are a few rules when it comes to executing your move, or a another "mover's" move.
These rules will be laid out at our very next "Move Coalition Organization (MCO), Meeting", which will be held on our next fishing trip, during the "Blue Moon" phase.
All moves are copyrighted to it's originator (like a photograph), and copyright laws do apply.
We encourage you to practice and refine your "signature move", video it, and email it to us for our inspection and evaluation. Remember, presentation is very important. Smoothness of move, clarity, obvious interpretation, and hilarity are factors in judging.
Explain the proper time & place your move is used, and it's meaning.
We are waiting on you, "It's Your Move".
Mov'in & Shak'in