This week was a pretty slow week for "Bad Moves", so I had to take matters into my own hands.
My friend Gern Blansten, was expecting an important phone call from the hospital, to find out if his children would survive the school bus accident form the day before.
I was trying to "lighten" his somber mood, so I innocently "polished" the top 4 steps with baby oil.
I then called the house on my cell, and yelled to Gern, "Hey good friend, it's the hospital calling".
As he headed down the stairs at full steam, his feet slid out from under him as though they had a mind of there own. Head-long down he goes!!! What a sight, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard, maybe it was when his wife punctured her lung in a freak sword swallowing exibition, I'm not sure.
Anyhow, he landed like a fat man doing a bellyflop in a pool full of jello.
He struck the small table at the bottom, toppling the urn containing the remains of his beloved mother, who past away from natural causes when I absent mindedly left her in my idleing car in the garage while I mowed the back yard.
Gern couldn't make it to the phone, he was a bit loopy, so I spoke with the Dr.
The Dr. wouldn't give me any info since I was not "family" I asked the Dr. to talk to Gern's father, who was also in the hospital, with complications due to some sort of flesh wound. Could have happend when I nearly succesfully attempted to pierce an apple with my "scratch built" bow and arrow from atop his bald and liver spotted head, while he was sleeping in his iron lung.
Well, nobody ever called me back. I guess I can find out when I visit Gern in the hospital, if I can ever find the time to go.
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