What we have here is a Stupid Attempt At An Injun Move, by Indians!!!
Sounds a little ironic, don't ya think?
Let me explain. As you can see, Nacoma and Iron Eyes Cody have traveled all the way to Washington D.C.
They have made this journey in an attempt to right the wrongs the white man has done to the Native Americans.
Like that's gonna happen!!
They are holding the treatys their ancestors have signed, yet the American government has not followed. Sound familiar?
Nacoma & Iron Eyes Cody might as well get back in their birch bark canoe, paddle down to the Trail of Tears, jump on their ponys, and high tail it back to the casino that was built on sacred burial grounds. Smoking a peace pipe will certainly ease their pain.
Congrats Nacome & Iron Eyes, your prize of a case of fire water and shiny butt beads is being expressed via stagecoach as we speak.
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