Wednesday, September 22, 2010


OK, here's what we got, goin wheel'in this weekend to Crown King, Az.
It will be be a great run with a few cold frosty's going down.
This will be a perfect opportunity to discover, or see some new moves in action.
Now, if a person has had a few too many Fat Tire's, and performs a "slurred" move, this is what we would refer to as a "buffoone" move.
Buffone moves, can be some of the most entertaining moves you will witness.
You do not have necessarily have to be a full time buffoone, but it does "heighten" the Move process.
As you can see from this photo, I have my top people ready at a moments notice to capture any Move of "interest". The "Moves On Film Team" is everywhere!!!
We promise to capture any moves, buffone or classic, that are thrown our way.
Will report back later.

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