Listen up my fellow MOVER'S, here's is your chance to become an instant celebrity!!!!
F American Idol, F You Think You Can Dance, and F U Kim Kardashian!!!
Fellow MOVERS, your talent is like a size 15 up the ass of Paula Abdul. Your talent is like a sore dick, you just can't beat it.
We will be holding audutions for our new reality show "TRUE AMERICAN GRAND POUBAR".
It's the grandest of shows, (hence the name) showcasing your best move in a dangerous situation.
Guy walks in to a bar brandishing a deadly weapon, he's looking right at you and he's pissed. You think ultra fast, shove the pretty brunette off her stool and into the line of fire. You turn pivoting on your left heel, and make for the back door to safety. There's your MOVE, and possibly a big time contract with a Hollywood agent.
You will be competing against other like minded individuals, who also have MOVE'D in a dangerous situation. Each week, you will be judged by MOVER'S with way more talant than you'll ever have, Blackbush and myself will be setting in our diamond tucked thrones, telling you why you suck so F'in bad.
As you are eliminated, you will be escorted to the pit of doom, a murky leech infest cest-pool, bottom lined with 48" chrome steel Alaskan bear traps laced with poisoned darts from the Chkallkawa tribe, flown in especially for the show from the little village of Tampon, in S.Vietnam.
The climax of the show, will be a head to head to head full on comp, you against me & Blackbush in all our splendid glory!!! Good luck you sorry little bastards!!!!
Auditions will be held every Sunday of June, 2011, at "THE BUSH'S" house. Don't bother knocking, just walk in like you own the damn place, beer is in the fridge.
You will be contacted by telegraph, so brush up on your skills finger boy!!
Happy MOVING pheasants, see you at the chopping block
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