I was visiting the "Ye 'Olde Drucken Clam Retirement Home" over the holiday, doing a little voluntere work.
Most of the residents are retired pirates, salty dogs, and otherwise ruthless types.
I came across the 2 chaps just about the time I was heading out.
My sources tell me that the guy, on the left busted a move with the dame of the guy on the right.In pirate fashion, the y both "wheeled" themselves back to their rooms, pulled out their swords, and commenced a full fledged, ol time pirate fight.
Everybody was not "fast as lightning, they were just old pirates fighting".
These old geisers didn't even have a name for this behavior.
This is where I stepped in, introduced myself, and named this MOVE the Scooter Store Swashbuck". Now technically & legally you can not perform this move unless you 65 years or older.
After their second "break" for canned oxygen, I grew bored and got outta there. Ya know pirites never did a lot for me, I lost interest rather quickly.
Not like the good old days when the cheated a lot and no rules applied.